Primary supporter of the Community CoExistence program- providing the majority of support for the past 5 years and excellent partners to work with.

Committed, tireless friends and supporters of Wild Entrust offering help, moral support and invaluable contributions since 1999.

We are immensely grateful for the critical unrestricted support to Wild Entrust from our quiet devoted conservation advocate. This enables us to pay salaries, keep vehicles operating and programs running smoothly.

A generous contribution from Kevin, a supporter of the St Louis Zoo, has enabled a complete renovation of our field research camp for the first time in 24 years. Welcomed by all in camp!

Reliable annual contributions from Tusk Trust for over 2 decades have grown multiple new donor relationships and enabled Coaching Conservation to scale exponentially over the past decade.

Providing valuable annual meaningful support and introducing us to new donors that now support the BioBoundary Laboratory for Wildlife Chemistry; our longest running & arguably most exciting initiative.

All 3 programs of Wild Entrust are grateful beneficiaries of Natural Selection's outstanding commitment to 1.5% of their gross revenue to their Conservation Trust.

Forever grateful to the Lee and Juliet Folger Fund for continuing to include us in their annual giving for 3 decades.

5 years of support to the Community Coexistence program in Habu village has been instrumental to the success of this initiative .

The generous support of the William Slavic family foundation to the BioBoundary research has been invaluable to our continuous pursuit.



PRIVATE DONORS - small but mighty
Committed donors who have given donations of up to $500 and collectively raise thousands of dollars annually. These collective donations add up to a lot of good work. THANK YOU!
Adelaide University
Alessandro Cavazza
All for Nature
Amy Silverman
Andie Taylor
Andre Haas
Anna Smith
Anne Moar
Anne Rowley
Anuj Baid
Arleigh Hudson
Barbara Bauer
Barbara Kieser
Barny Dillarstone
Bathsheba Veghte
Ben Price
Botswana Institute of Science and Technology
Brenna Hanly
Bushways Safaris
Cameron Brittain
Caspar Eggert
Celeste Grace
Charles Bongers
Charlie Oakes
Chris Macbeth
Christian Meier
Christine Kim
Colette Pelling
Conor Leen
Conor Rowley
Courtney Acheson
Daire Brady
Donna Brown
Dreamtime Travel
Eilish Gilvarry
Eleanor Calvert
Eleanor Slovak
Elephants for Africa
Elizabeth Johns
Elizabeth Sterrett
Ellie Winstanley
Emer Gilvarry
Emma Moffat
Evan Koetsenruijter
Faye Duffy
Fiona Macbeth
Frankie Anderson
Gareth Brinn
George Foote
George Lewis
Georgina Price
Guy Brukman
Helen Foster
Henrietta Goring
Henry Pearce
Hermione Glyn
Hope Blandford
Ines Pavelka
Iris Fischer
J Kav
James Brocklebank
James Francois
James Lemmon
James Wood
Jamie Curtis
Jed Stephen
Jennifer Mitchell
Jeremy Hamilton
Jess Vujovic
Joanne Hogan
Johanna Barr
Johanna Overbosch
John Lynch
Jonny & Rachel Webber
Julie Chapman
Julie K Smith
Kathleen Moffitt
Kenton Fisher
Kimber Nelson
Kristen Mackintosh
Kyle Durrant
Lesley Withers
Liam Rowley
Lilian Stammbach-Sutter
Linda Giles
Linda Pfotenhauer
Linzey Ryan
Lois Anderson
Lorcan Rowley
Louis Staddon Foster
Marcus Burch
Marian Meyer
Mario Ancona
Marion Scherrer-Thomasi
Martha Gogle & Irwin
Mary Davila
Mary D’Alton
Michael Peach
Michael Radigan
Morgan Ball
Nicola Grieve
Nicole Ryan
Olivia Lehmann
Olivia O’Brien
Paddy Shanahan
Paul Logue
Peter Brack
Philipp Jäger
Rachel Vander
Rich Boyan
Richard Perelman
Rick Breen
Robert Furger
Robin Hartley
Rory Brittain
Rosenberg Amelia
Safari Essence
Sally Price Smith
Sam Sterwart
Sarah Wise
Saumitra Gorani
Sebastien Williams-Wynn
Sheila Nadimi
Silvia Hill
Silvia Serlavos Bernad
Simran Dodhia
Sneha Shah
Sophia Lob
Stephen Adams
Stephen and Cinda Joyce
Sue Wildt
Susanna Breslin
Susanne Meier-Wasmer
Team Wild Dog
Tessa Niven
The Word Pavilion
Theresa Keogh
Theresa Velez
Tim Bull
Tim Price
Tina Weldon
Todd Anderson
Tom Donoghue
Tori Bradley
UK Online giving foundation
Vanessa Butterworth
Vicki Weeks
Victoria Johnston
Vijay Mariadassou