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As we embrace the need to focus more on education, Mr. Thuto Dimbo is a new and valuable team member of the CoEx team recruited as the Education Officer for Sustainable Development who is growing these conservation education initiatives:

Conservation Events

This year we initiated and supported a number of fun events including Earth Day, a Conservation Fun Run, a Conservation Day with Xigera Safari Lodge and a Conservation performance titled ‘Memory’ which was performed by The Magic Beans drama group from South Africa.


The experience most children have with wildlife around Habu has unfortunately been one of conflict. Many have experienced their parents’ frustration with predators that have killed livestock or with elephants that have damaged crops or water infrastructure. Our BushDay programme (run as a CC BushRAP in partnership with guides from Xigera Safari Lodge) seeks to reverse this trend by allowing children to experience wildlife from a positive setting with professional guides. 41 Habu students were lucky to experience this influential day where values and world views began to shift.

IMPACT: NPR’s Nurith Aizerman did story and podcast at this year’s BushRAP/BushDay. Listen here to hear how CoEx and CC are working together to help kids to improve relationships with elephants:


VILLAGE LIGHTS -Reading Programme

The lack of electricity in Habu was affecting children’s ability to learn. In 2021, solar lights were given to 150 students to provide them an extra hour to learn each day. An additional 83 solar lights were distributed in 2023. But Why stop at lights? In 2023, a book bag and curated set of conservation themed books were given to all 293 Habu Primary school students as part of our “reading to learn while learning to read’’ initiative.

This programme has been so popular that it sowed the seeds for the creation of additional school clubs that now include conservation, movie, homework, and reading clubs. Despite the nascency of these clubs Thuto and the team are already successfully raising knowledge of conservation issues while striving to increase literacy rates and overall school performance.

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