This year, on 22nd April in which is celebrated as Earth Day, we launched an ambitious tree planting campaign because “Every Day-is-Earth-Day”.
With the current climate change alarm, there has never been a more important time to help. The initiative aims to plant one indigenous tree in every school ground in Ngamiland every year, as a legacy gift from the Grade 7 class of school leavers. By caring for, learning about, and enjoying the benefits of trees, we hope to help children understand their significance and the multiple values they offer to people, to animals and to the earth. By giving trees the Food, Water, Shelter and Space they need, children begin to see we are all connected by the need for the same basic things.
We have committed to one tree per school each year to create a forest in each school ground. To date we have planted trees in 63 school yards. We will continue to plant more trees - making a climate change impact in years to come.
We thank the supporters of our campaign that have helped us reach this milestone: Safari Essence, Xigera Safari Lodge, Nurah Brown, Mervyn Palmer, Charles Bongers, Sheila Nadimi, Department of Forestry and Range Resources and Alex Nursery.