HRH William, Prince of Wales, shares his thoughts on the Coaching Conservation method of inspiring kids to care by learning from wildlife during a speech at a Tusk Trust event in Botswana, 2010.
“Thank you so much Lesley, minister, ladies and gentlemen. Coaching Conservation is a brilliant idea. It is brilliant because it is simple. Most of us love sports, all of us, if we just stop and think, love animals and the natural world around us. By combining the two, Coaching Conservation teaches us to value both. Sport gives us a sense of purpose and belonging. Through being part of a team, it gives us fitness and health. It gives us respect for the skills and talents of others. These qualities are shared by the extraordinary creatures that surround us, particularly here in Botswana. The wild dogs, who work as a team and could run rings around even the best organized defense in the World Cup, even Germany’s. The slowest cheetah that ever lived could beat Ronaldo to the ball. The Impalas awareness and agility make even Lucas Radebe's awesome dribbling skills look, well, rather like mine. Sorry Nicholas but it is true. So, by combining sports and an awareness of the incredible abilities of different animals, Coaching Conservation teaches us self-respect, respect for one another, and respect for the environment and the wildlife we share this planet with. Simple but brilliant, and as patriot of Tusk I'm proud that Tusk is supporting this groundbreaking initiative. But Coaching Conservation is also about having fun. That's why this is a special occasion for me and for all of you too, I hope. But today is all about some of the things that I love most; football, wild animals, and there was no-where on the planet with more magnificent creatures than here in Botswana. And finally, all of you, the kind and welcoming people of Africa. I hope you have a great afternoon thank you.”
Tusk Trust is a long time supporter of Coaching Conservation.